Portland Farmers Market

Looking for something to do this weekend? Go to Deering Oaks this Saturday and visit the Portland Farmers Market from 7am - 1pm!

Deering Oaks Park is the scene for cooks, eaters, and gardeners looking for fresh farm products on a Saturday morning. Serious shoppers come as early as 7am to peruse the agricultural showcase representing up to 38 farms. Surrounded by one of Portland’s largest green spaces, this Farmers’ Market has a relaxed weekend feel. Folks shop and chat, catching up with friends and neighbors as they fill their wagons and shopping bags with food and other farm products, all grown, raised, and produced in Maine.

The market in Deering Oaks is an excellent opportunity to meet the people who grow the food that greater Portland eats. Chefs frequent the market to load up on local food and flowers and to connect to Maine’s changing seasons.

Some highlights of the Market’s offerings include vegetables, fruit, herbs, herb plants, berries, honey, maple syrup, jam, jelly, cut flowers, rose plants, vegetable seedlings, milk, cheese, yogurt, goat cheese, hanging baskets, beef, pork, lamb, goat meat, chicken, turkey, bacon, sausage, fiber, perennial plants, eggs, pickles, fermented foods like tempeh, kim chi, sauerkraut, and so much more!

Portland Farmers Market. Accessed June 20, 2016. http://www.portlandmainefarmersmarket.org.